I'm juggling a shit load of projects at once O_o I feel like my brain will asplode.
Not really, but here's the list, totalling up to over 15 hours of work:
1 - DeadMau5 Remix - Remix of Moar Ghosts n stuff -
2 - Pacman Remix - There are two pacman themes, not sure which on it is -
3 - CastleVania 64 Intro Remix - The violin sonata thingy -
4 - Fuxton, Inc. - Original, same noir as Artificial Intelligence +
5 - HOLY SH- - Insane 'YOUR GONNA DIE GODDAMNIT >:C!' Kind of music -
6 - StarStrukk - Remix of 3OH!3's StarStrukk, pretty badass -
7 - untitled - In starstrukk file, no name yet +
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 I can't remember on the spot
I'm going to take a nap, like a 6 week nap ^_^
By the way, in my lingo, Remix means remake.
EDIT: My "six week nap" is over. I have put +'s and -'s meaning I will or will not upload them respectively, and I've added new projects
I collaborated with my bro to come up with a list of titles for songs...
Here it is:
Slow Children at Play
Fried Eggs and Spam
Thunder Cunt
Jizzum Bubble
That One Song
Conan The Celtic Tampon
My Lips Hurt Real Bad
Cassedonian Throw Pillow
Cuntburger surprise face
Sociopath Paradigm
Uncharted Welcome Mat
No Soup For You
Molotov Cocktease
Funky Fingers, inc.
Shadow Mountain Butterball
Tarot card tater time
Anosmic Cologne Salesman
Chairman of the gord
Billy Best Breast Beating Bonanza
Fuxton, inc. <<
Try to contribute, thanks